On 7th June 2021, PM has announced that 21st June onwards there will not be state government supplied vaccination for age group 18-45 and all publicly provided vaccination will be through union government. For the end user of government vaccination, it remains to be a free vaccine as it was earlier, but it is likely that availability will improve.
So, henceforth state governments will not have to deal with
vaccine makers. When there are multiple users and limited resource, allocation
decision is a key decision. When state governments were dealing with vaccine
makers, vaccine makers had the right/power to choose the allocation. Now, union
government will have that right. Since we see vaccination as a key national
activity, it is indeed a correct change that democratically elected entity oversees
allocation question.
So now vaccination policy in India stands in the optimal
form after a required course-correction. There is a nationwide free supply of
vaccine only by union government along with private supply for those who need
not need incentive of free vaccine. I specifically welcome the decision to ensure
a private supply. The argument for ‘free nationalized vaccination’ assumes all
recipients will have less than required eagerness and/or purchasing power to
get themselves vaccinated. It is evident that there is a section of population
which is eager to get vaccinated and can pay non-inconsequential sum for it. Such
section does not need incentive of free vaccination. Government cannot credibly
maintain both free and paid vaccination programs. So paid vaccination through
private channel is the solution.
There is a service charge cap and supply quota declared for
private vaccination. It is not yet clear whether this service charge cap is
applicable to all vaccines (currently there are three) or only to two which are
part of government vaccination program. I assume it is later. For vaccine
producers supplying only through private channels, there might not be a service
charge cap. Currently the private hospitals have more than ₹ 150 markup above the
price at which vaccines are sold to them. If new service charge cap proves dissuading
enough, then two vaccines which are part of government vaccination program will
not feature a lot in private channel. Private vaccination will be made up of all
those vaccines which are not part of government vaccination program. Seen this
way, service charge cap will end up tying two manufacturers to large scale government
vaccination. If this is going to be the
case, it is a shrewd use of incentives. A service charge cap might impede the private
vaccination program if it ties up two currently predominant manufacturers to
government program. But if vaccines from other producers become available by
end of June 21, then both government and private vaccinations can run smoothly.
There are some of us who will be sniggering at allocating
certain supply to private channels. Their argument is based entirely on hypocritic
hatred for rich. Private vaccination has one more justification. It is likely
that different income groups are likely to have different probability of
catching the next version of virus. I assume that when it comes to personal
interactions of considerable duration, poor are likely to have such interaction
confined to their neighborhood. Poor have limited work and leisure mobility as
compared to non-poor. Mobility and chance of encounter with next version of
virus are positively related. In other words, non-poor are more likely to be
early carriers of new versions of viruses which will subsequently be passed to others.
This is not completely a hypothetical possibility. International
travel is certainly a non-poor activity. First carriers in first wave were non-poor
which got the virus on their foreign trips. Even in second wave, international travelers
played their role. It is likely that they will play same role in future as
well. If private vaccination ends up vaccinating this likely to be at forefront
risk group quickly, it can be helpful to all of us, whether we are poor,
non-poor with hypocritic hate for rich and non-poor who are ready to see the
world as it is.